Sunday, April 6, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 4/4/08

It felt like a good week....

Current Weight: 335
Last Week's Weight: 338
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 48

...and it was!

Here is the funny thing, our morning show spent the morning broadcasting live from a Chick-fil-a. While there, I announced that I was at 335 and lost 2 pounds! When someone asked me what my total loss was...I couldn't remember. I grabbed the laptop and pulled up my blog to check. Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was actually 3 pounds lost for a total of 48! It is great to realize that I have been so focused on getting healthy that I didn't even remember how much weight I lost. Cool!

I will post some more this week!

Live Well, Live Healthy,



Anonymous said...

Mike you are doing an awesome job with the weight loss! Keep going… me and the folks in Oahu are cheering for you.


Rgutro said...

Mike- That's how you know that you've changed your lifestyle- you didn't know how much weight you were losing, just that you were losing it through better diet and exercise. Talk about temptation..doing a remote in a Chik-Fil-A! You're doing great, keep it up! Rob