Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Wegh-In 7/18/08

Yeah, I rocked it this week...

Current Weight: 321
Last Week's Weight: 326
Loss for the Week: 5

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 62

Was it easy? Nope. I felt like I was fighting it all week but it did get easier as it went on. By yesterday, I wasn't thinking about food or my next meal or snack all the time. Praise God!

I want to thank you for the notes, emails, comments and even a couple of Grand Central voicemail messages. Your support mean more than you can know. That said, I need your prayers! I am headed to Brazil from Sunday to the following Sunday on a trip with Compassion International. For the most part, I will not be in control of where I eat. For some meals, I will not be in control of what I eat. It will be another test of eating the "right" foods in the "right" amounts.

Again, I covet your prayers for me but also please pray for the group of 15 people from across the US who are going to see the amazing work of Compassion International. You can check our Mornings w/TMD blog to see updates from our trip.

Since I will be away next week - there will be no weigh-in next Friday.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


1 comment:

taralynn819 said...

Mike you need to change the figures around!!! Way to go!