Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Getting Started

I have been receiving a ton of emails! Prayer support, well wishes, advice on exercise and a few questions.

Janet wrote and asked "...
Question, what did you do to prepare? Buy exercise equipment? Clean out your fridge? I want this to be a life style change, but somehow can't imagine myself making time for exercise. That's what keeps me at my current weight. "

As I wrote back, it seemed that this would make a perfect next posting for you.


My wife and I had purchased a recumbent bike about two years ago so, it is finally getting used. You don’t have to buy anything – you just have to get moving! For me, the bike works because to do my workout and I needed a non-impact exercise (too many years of extra weight have taken their toll on my knees!). you can run, treadmill, bike, do the mall walk…just get moving!

I did not clean out the ‘fridge because my family still needs to eat! HA! However, it is imperative that you stock up on the foods you need. If it is not in your house, you have a greater chance of grabbing whatever is available.

Time….always the biggest barrier (in the past) to my weight loss and overall health! I get up at 4:00am to get ready for our morning show. I have tried to work out in the mid-day, the afternoon and the evening. Didn’t work! Too many things distracted me or got in the way or made me too tired! So….I now get up at 3:10am!! UGH! But I can do my workout, jump in the shower and start the day. Is it tough? Yep! I can’t tell you how many arguments I have had in my head while sitting in the dark on the edge of my bed.

“…you could sleep another hour….nope! got to go do it!....oh, come on it just one day off, it won’t matter…..well, maybe……”

And then I get up and go down to the bike! I will say that I have had to make sure that I hit the sack earlier to make this work. Don’t fool yourself - There has to be sacrifice somewhere.

If you want it, you can get it! But it won't come to you!

Blessings on your journey,


1 comment:

taralynn819 said...

Just wondering how you deal with differing sleep schedules in your home. My husband and I workout together in the wee morning (but not quite as "wee" as your hour!)so we both still go to bed together (between 9 and 9:30pm). As it is we feel like party poopers when we turn down late night events with friends or whatever (including staying up till midnight on New Years, we just can't physically do that anymore, we are sad). We feel a lot more healthy and have a burst of energy for the day, but we do "retire" a little earlier than most of the world. Does your wife get up with you as well? How do you make family time (and friend time) work with your sleep schedule?