Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 5/30/08

Can you say "Breakthrough?"...

Current Weight: 328
Last Week's Weight: 331
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 55

I have broken the 330 barrier that I have been stuck around for the last 4-5 weeks! Many of you have asked about the how I did on the cruise. I did indulge some but we did so much walking in Key West and Mexico that it seems to have balanced out the few extra pieces of bread and desserts that I enjoyed. It did prove that you can do the cruise, eat well and stay healthy too!

Watch out 300! Here I come!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


1 comment:

lightlady said...

Way to go Mike!!!!! I have been hearing you on the radio talking about your weight lost, but just viewed your blog. I am so happy for you, keep up the good work. you are an inspiration to all wanted to lose weight and live a healthy life style.