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Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 316
Loss for the Week: 1
Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68
Ok, sorry I haven't posted in a week or so. I had the Big Daddy Weave concert last Friday and just was worn out and the rest of the just got in the way. As you may be able to tell, I gained a pound last week and dropped it this week. I must tell you that Jimmy Page wrote to me and said most people gain 5-7 pounds during the holiday season. That means I need to lose 20 so I don't have to worry about gaining five. ARGH!!
This is a quick, simple and 150cal treat that is perfect if you just need that chocolate fix but can't stop at just one brownie.
SupperThyme is coming to Harford County!!
ST has partnered with the Arena Club (Next to Harford CC) to do a once-a-week delivery of 3-a-day Fast Track meals to Harford County. If you have been wanting to try the same great food that I have been eating but couldn't get to Cockeysville to pick them there is no excuse! Call Lisa for all the details 410-667-2665. Also, the Arena Club has a great 12-week shape up program that I have heard wonderful things about.That's it! I will try to be better about posting stuff on a timely basis. Thanks for your continued support and prayers!
Live Well, Live Healthy!
Aloha Mike,
We see that you’re in the home stretch; you have done a great job so far! Our seamstresses like to vacation in November and December, any way you can give me an estimate on the shirt size so we can make it this month?
Our latest fabric design, which is a beautiful bird of paradise, is due any day now and they could knock it. I am telling you bro, this design is even better than food.
Oh, those Warm Delights look delish! I may have to try them. David and I both have a sweet tooth! ;)
I got a free sample of that!
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