Friday, January 30, 2009

SupperThyme Pics!

Thank you to all who joined us at SupperThyme for the party!

Here are a couple of pics:
I'm showing off my new Hawaiian Shirt from Wave Shoppe! Thanks Charles!

How do you celebrate weight loss?? With Cake!

Me with SupperThyme USA owners Larry & Lisa Steve - Thanks for your Support!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tonight's the Night!

OK - the snow and ice are off the roads and the party is still ON for tonight!

Check the post for all the details and come have some fun and food. I will be announcing the next phase of my weight-loss journey....and who will be joining me along the way.

I will also be modeling my new Hawaiian shirt from the Wave Shoppe.

I can't wait to see you.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Save The Date!

SupperThyme USA is Celebrating Mike's 80 in '08

You are invited to join Mike for a special time of celebration with his family and friends.

There will be snacks, food and refreshments. Plus you can try items from the 3-a-Day Fast Track program that Mike used to help him on his goal to becoming healthier.

Special Guests: Tracey Tiernan and David Paul from WRBS

There will also be a special announcement from Mike about the next phase of his weight loss.

Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Place: SupperThyme USA

9972 York Road

Cockeysville, MD 21030

Click Here For A Map

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


...Here it is! OK, I know I haven't measured fractions of pounds but since it is the final weigh-in - I thought I would make an exception!

Starting Weight: 383
Current Weight: 301.5

Total Loss for 2008
81.5 pounds!!

I'm having trouble knowing what to write. Too many emotions are swirling around me. I must give first thanks to God. There were so many times when I just wanted to chuck this whole thing and He kept me strong and put wonderful people in my path to encourage me at just the right time. Thank you Father for taking care of your child.

Then there is Jimmy Page - Fitness Coach, Man of God, King of Pain. Love you man! Thanks for the push, the support and your example. Also, thanks for giving of your time and talents to those who are searching for a healthy life.

Lisa & Larry Steve - My SupperThyme USA family! I am not exaggerating when I say that without the 3-A-Day Fast Track meals this goal may have been close to impossible for me. Thanks for taking care of me and the others who are eating better because of your care and concern.

Tracey, Dave & the rest of my WRBS family - your support and prayers always helped to pump me up when I needed it!

Stacey & Matthew - You are my life! Thank you for living with and loving me through the tough times.

And finally...Thank YOU! You have been a constant source of prayers, support and a laugh at just the right time. I'm not sure that you can ever fully understand what it has meant to me to know that you have been standing with me this year. I am truly blessed.

So.......Now What?

Well, first off - We are going to party! Be watching next week for the announcement of a date for a party at STUSA (Thanks Lisa!) I want you to come a celebrate with me. I will be wearing a special Hawaiian shirt made for me by Wave Shoppe (Thanks Charles!). And I'll talk a bit more about my plans for 2009.

Speaking of 2009...Jimmy Page and I are talking about my next steps and I will be letting you know what the plan is within the next few weeks. To that end, I will be taking the month of January off from posting weekly weigh-ins. I will be posting during the month but I need a few weeks off from the weigh-in. I'm not coming off my eating or exercise - just think of it as a vacation!

During this time I will also be working on a new blog that will hopfully have a few more features and some fun things!

I'm sure I'll have more to say in the coming days and weeks...but for right now...

Live Well, Live Healthy!
