Thursday, January 1, 2009


...Here it is! OK, I know I haven't measured fractions of pounds but since it is the final weigh-in - I thought I would make an exception!

Starting Weight: 383
Current Weight: 301.5

Total Loss for 2008
81.5 pounds!!

I'm having trouble knowing what to write. Too many emotions are swirling around me. I must give first thanks to God. There were so many times when I just wanted to chuck this whole thing and He kept me strong and put wonderful people in my path to encourage me at just the right time. Thank you Father for taking care of your child.

Then there is Jimmy Page - Fitness Coach, Man of God, King of Pain. Love you man! Thanks for the push, the support and your example. Also, thanks for giving of your time and talents to those who are searching for a healthy life.

Lisa & Larry Steve - My SupperThyme USA family! I am not exaggerating when I say that without the 3-A-Day Fast Track meals this goal may have been close to impossible for me. Thanks for taking care of me and the others who are eating better because of your care and concern.

Tracey, Dave & the rest of my WRBS family - your support and prayers always helped to pump me up when I needed it!

Stacey & Matthew - You are my life! Thank you for living with and loving me through the tough times.

And finally...Thank YOU! You have been a constant source of prayers, support and a laugh at just the right time. I'm not sure that you can ever fully understand what it has meant to me to know that you have been standing with me this year. I am truly blessed.

So.......Now What?

Well, first off - We are going to party! Be watching next week for the announcement of a date for a party at STUSA (Thanks Lisa!) I want you to come a celebrate with me. I will be wearing a special Hawaiian shirt made for me by Wave Shoppe (Thanks Charles!). And I'll talk a bit more about my plans for 2009.

Speaking of 2009...Jimmy Page and I are talking about my next steps and I will be letting you know what the plan is within the next few weeks. To that end, I will be taking the month of January off from posting weekly weigh-ins. I will be posting during the month but I need a few weeks off from the weigh-in. I'm not coming off my eating or exercise - just think of it as a vacation!

During this time I will also be working on a new blog that will hopfully have a few more features and some fun things!

I'm sure I'll have more to say in the coming days and weeks...but for right now...

Live Well, Live Healthy!



taralynn819 said...

What a way to blast into the new year! We knew you could do it, Mike!!!!! (The suspense was killing me!)

So glad this week wasn't in the spirit of a "last chance workout" but instead a continuation along this new path where God is going to keep pouring out His grace and equipping you every sweat drop of the way! May we all crave HIM in 2009!!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! We're so proud of you!

Anna said...

HEY CONGRATULATIONS!!! PRAISE GOD! I'm SO happy for you!! Keep up the good work in '09! You have inspired us all and we look forward to more continued weight loss success! :) GOD BLESS!

Anonymous said...

Mike, I am so happy for you! I knew you could do it, and you really blew right past that 80 lb mark. Good job!! What a major accomplishment. You are truly a major inspiration to us all.

I am looking forward to seeing what your next part of the journey includes!!

Anonymous said...

I told ya Brother. "with God, nothing is impossible."
What can I say? Luv ya man. So proud of you. Cant say the sya for me in 2008, but 2009 is mine! Along with you of course.
Praise Him, Praise Him. Without Him it wasnt possible and we bith know it. Smile, smile, REJOICE!!
Bob Mekolon

Rgutro said...

Mike- Congratulations! I knew you could do it- you've been an inspiration for all of us reading your blog to have faith and keep going in whatever our goals are in life. Your weight loss is a tremendous effort that serves as an inspiration to others in all aspects in life to never give up. To keep trying even when the mountain seems too high to climb. You are an example of what faith, determination and hard work can accomplish! We are so very proud of you for your accomplishment, for your own health, and for your family. This is tremendous.
I have to admit that when I went to your blog and read it, it brought a tear to my eyes. This is amazing. Thanks for sharing your journey and being an example for all of us! To a very healthy 2009!

Anonymous said...

MIKE! Whoooo hooooo! Congratulations my friend! That is absolutely fantastic my brotha!

I'm continuing to pray for you!

Chris Scotland!

lizcarper said...


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! What an inspiration you are to so many people!!!!! I can't wait to see what your goals will be for 2009!

Anonymous said...

Marty and I are so proud of you Mike! What you have accomplished is a truly an awe insiring feat. Do us a favor: Go to the gym, load up a bar with 80 pounds, and feel how incredibly heavy that amount is. Squat it, bench press it - it doesn't matter, just FEEL the amount of weight that left your body in 2008! Isn't that AMAZING? :)

Now you know what is possible. Never stop making goals and taking steps towards them. One of my favorite quotes when it comes to weight loss is "Never Stop Starting." I hope to continue to follow your progress in 2009 as you surpass new milestones!

~Amy & Marty
Biggest Loser Season 3

jboldt said...

Way to go, Mike! You did it! What an outstanding job you did of staying the course and keeping your eyes fixed on the goal. You are an inspiration to us all.

BTW, your new picture looks great!

Janet B.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!! I just wanted to let you know that your success has inspired me and a couple of my friends. We have a goal now to lose 90 lbs in '09. We're one month in now, and we really feel determined to take hold of a healthy lifestyle! Thanks for being a great trailblazer!

goingplaces74 said...

Hey Mike I would like you to check this site out. It's a new Insanely Healthy Energy drink. Full of Healthy,energy boosting ingerdients. It's call Verve. The best part is that there is no crash after drinking it.Well take a look at it and try it.Truth be known I realy love it has kept me on top of my game and I have only been drinking it for the past two weeks...