Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 6/20/08

Current Weight: 325
Last Week's Weight: 327
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 58

I will tell you that I'm happy for the loss this week but I really was feeling like it was going to be more. I spent two full days on the road in Nashville for meetings which always seems to affect my week. I ate well - no biscuits and gravy or chicken-fried anything! Fish, chicken and veggies...and they were good. However, I think that just the disruption of the travel sets me back. I wonder how folks who live on the road keep fit. There never seems to be enough time to go to the workout room or the pool - it is always an early breakfast or late dinner meeting or a plane to catch.

Well, it is a normal week coming up so I am going to push for a bigger loss. Our pool is open full-time now and Matt loves to swim and our home office is almost done. These things help me to keep moving and manage my time better. All of which means more rest and a better frame of mind to focus on what is important!

Live Well, Live Healthy,


1 comment:

Rgutro said...

Mike- Traveling and exercise is difficult. Flying or driving takes away energy that we normally put in our workouts. I was at a launch for NASA last week, and worked 12+ hour days, and couldn't get the energy to work out. Of course, there wasn't time to eat either, which wasn't good - so be happy you lost 2 pounds during the travel. Keep it up! You're looking great. - Rob