Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 10/31/08

I'm so happy October is OVER...

Current Weight: 316
Last Week's Weight: 315
Gain for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 382 Total Loss: 67

I think this has been the hardest month since I have started this quest. I will tell you that I got back on the bike this week for the first time in a long time. Not that it showed up during my weigh-in....agrgh! Right after I post this you will see another post about a challenge that I have agreed to. I think it will spur me to stay on the bike and keep my eating on track.

I WILL put up some bigger numbers next week! ...Lord willing.

Thanks for your continued support. It means more than you know.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


The SmackDown Challenge is ON!!!!

As I strive to get healthy, my morning radio show has been working with Jimmy Page (Fitness Guru!) to eat well and lose weight (Tracey and Mike...not Skinny Dave).

Well, Jimmy confronted me and Tracey about being "Stalled" in our progress to drop the pounds. He was right! So, Tracey has decided to challenge me to a "Weight Loss SmackDown!"

Between today and the end of the year, the one who drops the biggest percentage of weight will be awarded the "SmackDown" prize. We aren't sure what the prize will be yet but will let you know. If you have any suggestions leave us a comment!

From now until Dec. 31st we will post the "Weight Loss SmackDown" updates on Friday after I do my weigh-in. Because Tracey is a girl (and it is not polite to ask a girl her weight) we will be posting only her percentage of weight loss. Check the left side of the TMD blog for a poll and vote on who you think will win our "SmackDown!"

Thanks for your support! - Mike

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The "Y" and SupperThyme team up to lose!


Looking for a way to combine training and a food plan that will help you drop the pounds and learn to keep them off? This maybe just the thing for you! Check out how SupperThyme and the Towson YMCA are teaming up: Click Here To Read

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

SupperThyme Open House & Tasting


Here is another chance for you to try the food that has been helping me during the last year. The SupperThyme in Cockeysville is holding an Open House and Fast Track tasting this Wednesday. Even if you are not interested in the Fast Track, you can find out how SupperThyme can save you money and time while helping to feed your family nutrious meals.

SupperThyme USA

9972 York Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
(410) 667-COOK (2665)
Wednesday, October 22
12:00pm - 8:00pm

OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL: Make one meal (6 servings) for just $20! (Only good during the open house hours)

OCTOBER SPECIAL: Need economic relief? ST is offering 10 of our 3 serving meals from our freezer for just $99! Items from our monthly menu, including our Extreme Fitness meals are there to choose from! (No on-line orders and not to be combined with any other promotions. No Frequent Freezer stamps given on package.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 10/17/09

STILL at zero...

Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 315
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68

Well, it is not a gain...

Between you and me - this is getting a little frustrating. OK, maybe a lot frustrating! And the worse part is I know that it all falls on me. I know that I can change this. There is more I can do (exercise...ugh!) and trim back my carbs for a couple of weeks but I just haven't done it. What is with that? Is it just our sin nature? We know what is right but still don't do it. The last few weeks have been packed from morning to night. My weight has been one of the farthest things from my mind...and then *BANG* it is Friday morning and as I get on the scale I just think about all the things I SHOULD have done this week. Don't get me wrong - I'm not depressed but just feeling the pressure of the very public goal I set for myself...especially when life seems to get in the way.

I don't have an answer to any of this but I do know that it is time to lean on those who know more about this than me. So, Jimmy Page and I will be meeting to talk about this and figure out what I can do to break through this wall. I will let you know what we decide. In the meantime, you stay strong and keep moving forward!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 10/10/08 Plus News!!

Back to zero...

Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 316
Loss for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68

Ok, sorry I haven't posted in a week or so. I had the Big Daddy Weave concert last Friday and just was worn out and the rest of the just got in the way. As you may be able to tell, I gained a pound last week and dropped it this week. I must tell you that Jimmy Page wrote to me and said most people gain 5-7 pounds during the holiday season. That means I need to lose 20 so I don't have to worry about gaining five. ARGH!!

BTW, if you haven't checked the comments lately there are some great snack suggestions if you are looking to spice up your snacks. Along those lines, let me suggest you stop by SupperThyme USA in Cockeysville and grab a free sample of Betty Crocker's Warm Delights Molten Chocolate Microwave Cake Mix.
This is a quick, simple and 150cal treat that is perfect if you just need that chocolate fix but can't stop at just one brownie.

SupperThyme is coming to Harford County!!
ST has partnered with the Arena Club (Next to Harford CC) to do a once-a-week delivery of 3-a-day Fast Track meals to Harford County. If you have been wanting to try the same great food that I have been eating but couldn't get to Cockeysville to pick them there is no excuse! Call Lisa for all the details 410-667-2665. Also, the Arena Club has a great 12-week shape up program that I have heard wonderful things about.

That's it! I will try to be better about posting stuff on a timely basis. Thanks for your continued support and prayers!

Live Well, Live Healthy!
