Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lying To Myself

OK - Confession time!

I have been lying to myself. I didn't mean to. It was said with the best intentions but we know where good intentions will lead....

For the last two days I have not been on the bike.

There, I said it. I woke up and was feeling totally beat. But that's ok, I said, because I will just hit the bike when I come home. Then there was the extra meeting, the late lunch and the emails that just "had" to be answered. By the time I hit the front door, I was even more tired and just blew off the bike. Telling myself it was just one day - I went on and was feeling fine...until yesterday morning.

Again, stayed up too late and felt terrible when the clock went off...replayed the same argument in my head and rolled over. Guess what happened?? Same thing, different day.

Didn't mean to lie, I just didn't make it a priority. It must be! If not, then what happens when I slip up on the eating plan? or, when I'm doing more than just the bike? The worst part is I'm only hurting myself.

All that said, I'm feeling good! One of the reasons for doing this blog is to put it all out on the table. In future posts I will talk more about what I'm doing on a daily basis about eating and what my next steps are.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers! Weigh-in tomorrow! Woo-Hoo!

Talk to you soon,



taralynn819 said...

Geez, we need more commenters! C'mon guys!

Mike! Remember that Matthew West song:

"And if you should fall again
Get back up, get back up
Reach out and take my hand
Get back up, get back up
Get back up again

I've let too many stumbles lead to quitting. Slumps happen. The best thing I can do is mentally prepare for them. I might feel all good and energetic the night before a workout, but I often don't want to roll out of bed when the alarm goes off. I have to know what I am going to do BEFORE I'm in those tempting situations.

What helps me is setting out my clothes the night before. Drinking a glass of water immediately. It helps wake me up and gets my blood pumping! Then I wash my face to feel refreshed and ready to sweat. (Ugh.) Sometimes even after all that I feel like getting back in bed but I have learned to take captive those thoughts! Sometimes I don't, though, but having a work out buddy helps volumes!!!

So as for you dear brother (and the rest of us), there's only grace.

Anonymous said...

Mike- We ALL have days like that- sometimes two in a row. I've been going to the gym for 15 years, and I have been through many small stretches like that. Sometimes, we're just too tired. It's normal. Just pick yourself up and stop reading this email - and get on your bike! :)
You're doing great!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just so happy that you are working towards a better and healthier life! The first time I saw you I started praying for you. Then, when I'd hear you in the mornings I'd say, "Oh, thank you God that he's still alive! Please help him" And now, here you are getting a great start to the rest of your life! Good going, Mike!


jboldt said...

Hi Mike,

I've been keeping up with your blog and decided it was time to drop you a line. You've done a great job with the weight loss, but I'm most proud of you for your honesty. It's hard enough to be honest with yourself about something like this, so I'm sure had to be extra hard to put it out there for everyone to see.

So okay, you slipped up. You've proven that you're human. I'm right there with you. I've also begun a lifestyle change this year as opposed to dieting. (I have "gone on a diet" many times before, but that implied it was temporary and I could "go off.") We can't take an all-or-nothing attitude. If we have a bad day, or two or three, it doesn't mean we should give up. It means just that: we've had a bad day. Tomorrow is a brand new opportunity to get back on the wagon...or in this case the bike!

You've have been a great encouragement to me over the past few weeks, and I know you will get past this small stumbling block. Hang in there!

Janet B.