Friday, March 21, 2008

A Visual Record of Loss / Tasting Winner / Contact Me

Here is what my weight loss looks like! I'm holding two bags of rice that represent the weight I used to carry around my middle. It is heavy. BTW, did you notice the shirt I'm wearing??? Yep! I fit into the Hawaiian shirt again. You know even the jeans are looking a little baggy.

A BIG thank you at all of the people who came out to the SupperThymeUSA tasting party we had this past Tuesday. It was wonderful to meet everyone and introduce you to the amazing staff at ST. Congrats to the Winner of a week of Fast Track Meals: Cindy from Bel Air, MD.

I Want to Hear From You!

Almost everyday I recieve emails or comment on the blog with questions or leaving messages of support and I wnat to thank you for taking a moment to write. I would love to hear about how you are getting healthy, exercising, losing weight or just to say "Hi!" Please leave a comment on the blog or email me at: And I know everyone isn't comfortable with leaving a comment on a blog or sending an email so if you look at the top right of the blog page you will see a big blue button that allows you to send me a voice mail. Click on the button, put in the phone number where you are and it will call you and you will hear a short message from me asking you to leave a message! How Cool is that? It is all FREE! So, what are you waiting me!

Live Well, Live healthy!



Rgutro said...

Mike- Fantastic! Just weeks ago, you couldn't fit in that shirt! That's a great photo, showing the extra weight you were carrying around. In a couple of months you'll likely be holding a third bag of rice.
Losing weight isn't easy for anyone, man or animal. Your quest is also an inspiration for animal owners, too. Sometimes people forget that their animals may also need dieting- our dachshund is on a diet, as extra weight only makes him prone to back problems (like humans). He's been dieting since June 2007, and he's gone from 26.4 pound to 21.8 pounds. That's a lot for a little dachshund, who still needs to be at 18 pounds.
Anyway, it's great people like you, who are an inspiration to all in a quest for good health!
Keep going! - Rob

Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel said...

Keep up the great work, Mike!!

Anonymous said...

Mike ~ WOW!!!the visual sure helps to see just what WEIGHT you have lost... keep in up brother! You look GREAT and I'm sure you are feeling much better ~ we are praying for you!!!!