Monday, March 10, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 3/7/08

Sorry about the delay in posting! I have been without Internet since Friday!! :-(

Anyway, Here it is.....

Current Weight: 344
Last Week's Weight: 347
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 39

I have to tell you that I'm happy to see this loss as it has been a stressful week. Many of you know that part of my job involves handling all the concert events here at WRBS. So, concert days are long and busy - plus the fact that we had a live remote broadcast the next morning made for 48 hours of little sleep and lots of snacks and mounds of wonderful food from Open Door Cafe catering just steps away. I made sure that I ate my Fast Track breakfast before I left the house to get me off on the right foot. Then I worked hard to make the right choices for lunch and dinner. One of the blessings of a concert day is that I tend to walk around more and climb many more steps. So, having one of ODC's amazing dessert bars doesn't cost as much! Yum.

In a little while I will be posting some great info: a podcast of our interview with Marty and Amy from NBC's "The Biggest Loser" ; The date and time of our first WRBS SupperThyme Fast Track Tasting - your chance to taste the de-lish food I am enjoying everyday. Be looking for it!

Less stress means more posts this week - promise!

Talk to you soon.


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