Monday, February 11, 2008

Four Flights

I love my home. It is a wonderful, spacious, two-level townhome with a basement....and 853 steps! I'm not really sure how they packed so many steps into one building. Must have been some weird building codes back in the '80's. And somehow I have four sets of stairs. Between each floor are two sets of stairs with a landing connecting them. Some compassionate designer realized that people need a spot to stop and catch their breath, have a snack or take a quick nap before continuing up the "Mt. Everest" of home staircases.

In the past, I have viewed the steps as my own home torture device. My wife asking me to carry a basket of clothes up to our room was akin to the Ironman Triathlon - there was pain, dehydration and (quite often) a loss of consciousness.

Until last night...

Last night I grabbed a set of clean shirts from the laundry room in the basement and (without thinking) headed for the master bedroom on the third floor - four flights away!

As I hung up the shirts it occurred to me that I hadn't passed out, didn't get sick and wasn't doubled over trying to get oxygen into my lungs. I was breathing hard but brought it under control within a minute or so. Realizing all of this, I stood there and sent up a silent praise to The Lord. Even just that few minutes of riding the bike (and losing almost 30 pounds) is paying off. It wasn't an Ironman but it felt just as good. I guess I have to stop my plans for an elevator.

Gotta go get on the bike....

Talk to you soon!



Diana said...


WAY TO GO BUDDY!!! keep up the great work... soon you won't even get winded!!! I'm sooo proud of you and hope that when we do catch up ~ that I can share a story like that with you!

Keep it up ~ RIDE ON!!!!

your sister in Christ


Rgutro said...

Mike- Excellent! Progress comes in little steps... well, in this case a whole lot of them in four flights! (You know me, I can't resist a pun). Seriously, as you keep losing the weight, things like this will become easier. You have a lot to look forward to, as you'll be able to do things that you haven't been able to do for a long time. Now that's exciting!
Keep up the great work. Every pound you drop each week is one less pound you'll have to bring up the stairs the next week. I'm so proud of you!
BTW- I look forward to each of your postings to monitor your progress each week! I check your blog regularly and you are an inspiration! Rob