Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 12/19/08

It is going to be a photo finish...

Current Weight: 307
Last Week's Weight: 307
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 76

Even this week. So, that means 11 days to lose 4 pounds...and Christmas dinner in between. This will be interesting!

Have Very Merry Christmas!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm pushing for the end...

Current Weight: 307
Last Week's Weight: 309
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 76

OK, I have to tell you that was surprised by the loss this week. I thought for sure that this would be an even week. It is interesting how you can "Feel" thinner or fatter and it has nothing to do with your actual weight (I know I'm not telling most of you ladies anything you don't already know!).

In 13 days it will be Christmas and that means Christmas dinner! So, I really need to drop these pounds before then. Ugh! More bike!

Live Well, Live Healthy,


Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 12/5/09

Coming down to the wire...

Current Weight: 309
Last Week's Weight: 312
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 74

Someone just asked me if I really thought I would lose 80 pounds when I started this journey last January. January? Yes! August through October? Not so sure. November? YES!

Now that we are in December, I have only 6 pounds to go. I will drop those pounds...even amongst the cookies, cakes and baked sugar things of all kinds. If I can - You can!

Be listening on Fridays just after 8:25am for Jimmy Page to join our morning show to talk about getting healthy and eating issues.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day Eating Advice


I have had a few folks ask me what my plan is for Thanksgiving when it comes to eating. Well, I'm going to enjoy myself but not go crazy. I will also make sure that I'm not starving when it's time for the big meal!

I asked my fitness "guru" - Jimmy Page to give me some tips for staying on track this weekend. Here are Jimmy's steps to a great Thanksgiving:

1. Eat a good breakfast - omelette w/veges, fresh fruit, coffee
2. Eat a healthy lunch (depending on when you eat the Thanksgiving meal) - Tuna sandwich on whole grain with an apple. OR a good snack (munch on fresh vegetables as you wait for the meal) so you are not too hungry for the big meal.
3. Serve yourself on a smaller plate (9 inches).
4. Avoid a second helping until 3 hours later (left-overs)
5. Eat a little bit of everything that you like - don't totally deprive yourself.
6. Go easy on the gravy, mashed potatoes, and stuffing
7. Eat a small slice of your favorite pie instead of a "wedge"
8. Eat slowly - talk more to your family!!
9. Eat the turkey and veggies first, then the potatoes or stuffing.
10. Drink a large glass of water 20 minutes before you eat.

Decide what you will do before you go in!

Bonus Tip: Exercise in the morning (early so it doesn't get in the way) AND go for a long walk after you eat!!

Sounds like a good plan. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember that the day is about Family, Friends and giving Thanks to God...not about food!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 11/21/08

Back in the pattern...

Current Weight: 312
Last Week's Weight: 312
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 71

Let's go back in time...earlier this year when I was dropping pounds quick and easy - there was the pattern. Loss, loss, loss, even! Well, I've dropped the last three weeks and...guess what? EVEN! You know what? I'll take it!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 11/14/08

So far, November may be my favorite month...

Current Weight: 312
Last Week's Weight: 314
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 71

Nine more pounds! That's it! While it is just a number, it is a milestone mark. If I can lose 80 pounds then I can lose another 25, 50 or 80 again to get me to my final goal. I need to say a big "Thank You" to Tracey Tiernan! Her idea of the fun "Smackdown Challenge" has really fired me up and gotten me excited about reaching for this finish line. Thanks TT!

OK - The Juice Fast - I really liked it! (Tracey is doing it too and also enjoyed it) It is a nice change of pace and has gone a long way to confuse my body and help keep the digestive tract healthy.

We are using one bottle (15.2oz) of Naked Juice's Green Machine and one bottle of any other Naked Juice (this week was Blue Machine - good for an energy boost!). Each bottle is 2 servings and so, on the recommendation of Jimmy Page, we take half the bottle and cut it with the same amount of cold water. The juice is really sweet and this help make it more refreshing. Then enjoy it!

I will warn you that Green Machine looks like cold pea soup but it tastes great because of the amazing mix of fruits they add to the green superfoods. Jimmy explained that this is better than a straight fast as it energizes your body at the cell's level without your body having to work to breakdown the food and turn it into nutrients.

Remember - you need to talk to your doctor or nutritionist to make sure that this make sense and will be beneficial for you before starting any fast, diet or exercise program.

Wanna join us? Send me a note or comment and let me know how is going for you.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Mike & Tracey's Smackdown Workout

Tracey and I have been talking about how we are upping our exercise routines to help us keep the pounds off. Thursday, Tracey invited me to a Smackdown Workout her club in Columbia. It was sweet! We worked hard and I think we surprised ourselves at how nice it was to workout with a buddy. Took a couple of pix to prove we were sweatin' it!

Tracey Pumping Iron!
Mike on the Road to Nowhere!
Tracey's Other Workout Buddies!

Thanks for all your support! Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 11/7/08

Let's hear it for November...

Current Weight: 314
Last Week's Weight: 316
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 69

Eating right, on the bike and the pounds come off! This week I did something that I have never done before - Fast. I wanted to do it along with prayer for our country. However, I had also not eaten the best over the weekend and figured that this would be a good way to kick-start my week. It wasn't as hard as I thought - you have to keep yourself busy so you don't have time to sit and think about the fact that you are not eating.

Jimmy Page and I met this week and he has suggested that I do a "Juice Fast" once a week. I'm going to try it starting this Monday. I tell you more about it this week.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


PS - Don't forget to look at the post below for some great savings and a FREE food tasting at SupperThyme this week!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Latest News & Some Great Deals From STUSA

You know I would not be where I am today with out Lisa and the crew at SupperThyme USA. So, I'm happy to pass along these great deals. Please support them if you can!


November 6th is "National Men Make Dinner Day" and we want to celebrate all month! Send the man in your life in to make just 3 meals, and we'll throw in package of our scones, or a Half Pan of our Cherry Stuffed French toast or Monkey bread! (not to be combined with any other offers) You may even get breakfast in bed too!


Tuesday November 11, we will be hosting a Taste Testing of our Fast Track & Extreme Fitness Meals. Not sure about our "diet food"? Stop in from 11-7 and give us a try, and you'll see what all the excitement is about!

Just like having a personal chef to fix your meals as you like them! Fast Tracks are individual servings, low calories, LOW SODIUM and no preservatives! Fast tracks can be purchased individually or as a package. Our lunches are perfect for the office! Let us fill your office freezer with healthy choices, so you don't need to go out on those cold windy days!

In addition to the tasting, we will have a Special Walk-in Day, where you can make a Fitness meal (6 servings) of your choosing for just $20! Make one or 12 meals and fill your freezer.

Don't Forget!

We now deliver to Harford County at The Arena Club. Order your Fast track, fitness or our Meals to Go. Just give us a call or place your order on our Delivery Calendar! Mark your calendar, we will be at the Arena Club on 12/7/08 for their Holiday Extravaganza from 1-5 p.m. Looking to get fit? Did you know the Arena Club has a 12 week Weight loss program?? Contact Kathy Harclerode for more information.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 10/31/08

I'm so happy October is OVER...

Current Weight: 316
Last Week's Weight: 315
Gain for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 382 Total Loss: 67

I think this has been the hardest month since I have started this quest. I will tell you that I got back on the bike this week for the first time in a long time. Not that it showed up during my weigh-in....agrgh! Right after I post this you will see another post about a challenge that I have agreed to. I think it will spur me to stay on the bike and keep my eating on track.

I WILL put up some bigger numbers next week! ...Lord willing.

Thanks for your continued support. It means more than you know.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


The SmackDown Challenge is ON!!!!

As I strive to get healthy, my morning radio show has been working with Jimmy Page (Fitness Guru!) to eat well and lose weight (Tracey and Mike...not Skinny Dave).

Well, Jimmy confronted me and Tracey about being "Stalled" in our progress to drop the pounds. He was right! So, Tracey has decided to challenge me to a "Weight Loss SmackDown!"

Between today and the end of the year, the one who drops the biggest percentage of weight will be awarded the "SmackDown" prize. We aren't sure what the prize will be yet but will let you know. If you have any suggestions leave us a comment!

From now until Dec. 31st we will post the "Weight Loss SmackDown" updates on Friday after I do my weigh-in. Because Tracey is a girl (and it is not polite to ask a girl her weight) we will be posting only her percentage of weight loss. Check the left side of the TMD blog for a poll and vote on who you think will win our "SmackDown!"

Thanks for your support! - Mike

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The "Y" and SupperThyme team up to lose!


Looking for a way to combine training and a food plan that will help you drop the pounds and learn to keep them off? This maybe just the thing for you! Check out how SupperThyme and the Towson YMCA are teaming up: Click Here To Read

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

SupperThyme Open House & Tasting


Here is another chance for you to try the food that has been helping me during the last year. The SupperThyme in Cockeysville is holding an Open House and Fast Track tasting this Wednesday. Even if you are not interested in the Fast Track, you can find out how SupperThyme can save you money and time while helping to feed your family nutrious meals.

SupperThyme USA

9972 York Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
(410) 667-COOK (2665)
Wednesday, October 22
12:00pm - 8:00pm

OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL: Make one meal (6 servings) for just $20! (Only good during the open house hours)

OCTOBER SPECIAL: Need economic relief? ST is offering 10 of our 3 serving meals from our freezer for just $99! Items from our monthly menu, including our Extreme Fitness meals are there to choose from! (No on-line orders and not to be combined with any other promotions. No Frequent Freezer stamps given on package.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 10/17/09

STILL at zero...

Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 315
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68

Well, it is not a gain...

Between you and me - this is getting a little frustrating. OK, maybe a lot frustrating! And the worse part is I know that it all falls on me. I know that I can change this. There is more I can do (exercise...ugh!) and trim back my carbs for a couple of weeks but I just haven't done it. What is with that? Is it just our sin nature? We know what is right but still don't do it. The last few weeks have been packed from morning to night. My weight has been one of the farthest things from my mind...and then *BANG* it is Friday morning and as I get on the scale I just think about all the things I SHOULD have done this week. Don't get me wrong - I'm not depressed but just feeling the pressure of the very public goal I set for myself...especially when life seems to get in the way.

I don't have an answer to any of this but I do know that it is time to lean on those who know more about this than me. So, Jimmy Page and I will be meeting to talk about this and figure out what I can do to break through this wall. I will let you know what we decide. In the meantime, you stay strong and keep moving forward!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 10/10/08 Plus News!!

Back to zero...

Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 316
Loss for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68

Ok, sorry I haven't posted in a week or so. I had the Big Daddy Weave concert last Friday and just was worn out and the rest of the just got in the way. As you may be able to tell, I gained a pound last week and dropped it this week. I must tell you that Jimmy Page wrote to me and said most people gain 5-7 pounds during the holiday season. That means I need to lose 20 so I don't have to worry about gaining five. ARGH!!

BTW, if you haven't checked the comments lately there are some great snack suggestions if you are looking to spice up your snacks. Along those lines, let me suggest you stop by SupperThyme USA in Cockeysville and grab a free sample of Betty Crocker's Warm Delights Molten Chocolate Microwave Cake Mix.
This is a quick, simple and 150cal treat that is perfect if you just need that chocolate fix but can't stop at just one brownie.

SupperThyme is coming to Harford County!!
ST has partnered with the Arena Club (Next to Harford CC) to do a once-a-week delivery of 3-a-day Fast Track meals to Harford County. If you have been wanting to try the same great food that I have been eating but couldn't get to Cockeysville to pick them there is no excuse! Call Lisa for all the details 410-667-2665. Also, the Arena Club has a great 12-week shape up program that I have heard wonderful things about.

That's it! I will try to be better about posting stuff on a timely basis. Thanks for your continued support and prayers!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 9/26/08

There is something to be said for consistency...

Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 315
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68

Getting sick. Please pray. I was in Nashville for a couple of days and have been working too many hours without enough sleep...and it got me! I just want to go to bed....g'night.

Live Well, Live Healthy!

Mike *yawn*

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 9/19/08

Still moving in the right direction...

Current Weight: 315
Last Week's Weight: 317
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 68

I can only give Praise to God for the loss this week! I have a recurring issue with my foot that flared up over last weekend. It kept me sidelined for most of the week so I really wasn't expecting to post any loss...and yet....

Thanks for the great comments that had ideas for snacks and other de-lish food ideas. Keep 'em coming!

Wanted to give you a link to a recent article on Marty & Amy from The Biggest Loser. I hope it will show you that weight is a continuing issue...even for them. (Note: Marty & Amy are the creators of SupperThyme's 3-a-Day Fast Track meal program)

Read it: HERE

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 9/12/08

OK - now the reason you came...

Current Weight: 317
Last Week's Weight: 318
Loss for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 66

And the losing continues! How often can you say that and feel good about it. HA!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 9/5/08

Small steps, big journey...

Current Weight: 318
Last Week's Weight: 319
Loss for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 65

Well, not so much on the bike this week (those darn, political conventions). But stayed really solid on my eating! BTW - got to tell you about two wonderful things...

1) Skinny Cow Mini-Fudge Bars - Love these! Only 50 cals. per pop. Chocolate, ice cream - de-lish!

2) Seltzer w/flavor - I love sparkling water but it gets a bit boring and expensive. (Saratoga rocks!) However, I found that my supermarket (Giant) store brand of Seltzer infused with fruit flavors (orange, lime, raspberry/lime) is wonderful. This is not the sweetened water but straight, natural flavor with no chemicals and no calories! Light, refeshing and bubbly.

I would love to know if you have wonderfully, de-lish food, snacks or drinks that good for you. Email or comment!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Monday, September 1, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 8/29/08

Moving forward...

Current Weight: 319
Last Week's Weight: 321
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 64

Got back on the bike this week. Not easy but needed. More bike next week!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 8/22/08

Back to even...

Current Weight: 321
Last Week's Weight: 324
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 62

Feeling a bit better as I'm back to even after a few weeks of yo-yo activities. I have spent the week slowly working on going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. I tried to do it in one day - not smart! By Monday I will be getting up early enough to do my workout and make it to station on time.

Between you and me...I want to knock out this last 20 pounds fast! I know that my not be the "Correct" way to think about it but that is what I really want to do. We'll see.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 8/15


Current Weight: 324
Last Week's Weight: 321
Gain?? for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 59

I'm very sure that if you were in my bathroom around 3:45 this morning you would have seen a cartoon come to life. When I saw the number on my scale I know my eyes jumped out of my head and became big as dinner plates (a'la Daffy Duck). I was a bit stunned.

Now that I have had a few hours to absorb it, I think one thing has become crystal... I need to get back on track with regular exercise! I'm at the point where the food alone isn't going to cut it anymore. I know this is not a news flash but I'm a procrastinator. (Gasp! Shock!) Even though I started strong on the bike, the wonderful food plan from SupperThyme's Fast Track made it easy to lose weight and I slacked off.

Slacking seems to be something many of us excel at. For you, it might not be exercise but keeping in touch with God. Just like getting on the bike, all you have to do is "do it." You can just start talking to Him or pick up the Bible and read his letters to you. Don't wait another day.

So, the wake up call has been received. All three pounds of it! It has to be the right food and the right exercise to achieve the right results. It is all on me now and how I face this challenge. Let's see...

Live Well! Live Healthy!


Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 8/8

Doing OK...

Current Weight: 321
Last Week's Weight: 322
Loss for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 62

I'm verry happy about the one-pound loss. I have to tell you that I am looking forward to the next couple of months. It will be a more "normal" pattern of life for me - no international travel, no back-to-back-to-back events and a better chance to eat the right foods and exercise more.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 8/1/08

Feeling pretty good...

Current Weight: 322
Last Week's Weight: 321
Gain for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 61

Yep, I know I gained a pound...but if you could have seen the food in Brazil you would understand why I'm feeling OK about it.

Every meal has bread and cheese and more bread! It was a total carb-fest. Also, they don't really "do" breakfast the way we do. It is very minimal: bread w/milk and coffee. That was tough because I love b-fast and it helps get me fueled up for the day.

Got to tell you about this place we went to dinner one evening. It was described as a "Tea Room." It was a buffet that included (literally) 15 different kinds of breads with things stuffed inside: meats and cheese, fruit, jams, etc.. I did I mention the desserts????

The one evening we were at another buffet that had a big tray of steamed veggies. I was never so happy to see broccoli in my entire life! I think I had two platefuls.

BTW, just to show you how traveling can play with your body... From Sunday to Sunday I flew 8 times and stayed in 3 different hotels. The day after I got back (Tuesday) I got on the scale and laughed when it hit 330lbs! It is almost impossible to gain 9 pounds in 8 days. The next day I was down to 226 and then 223 by Thursday. So, it took me almost a week for my body to get over being gone for a week. Just one more reason NOT to be a slave to the scale!

Well, I'm done traveling for a while. (Stacey is happy about that!) So, it is back to the daily battle to eat well, get healthy and live better! Come join the fight!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Questions & Answers

From time to time, I get emails or comments with questions. So, I thought I would post some of them and my answers:

Mike - I am about 6’ 2” and weigh about 305. I know that is not where I should be, but I am finding it hard to figure out where to start. Time seems to be my biggest enemy. What was the hardest part about getting started for you? - Time Crunched

Dear Time Crunched,

I am totally tracking with you. My schedule just doesn’t seem to work with eating well or exercise.

Our fitness guy, Jimmy Page, told me at the beginning – “Just get moving!” He didn’t set up any plan…he just said to get out and walk or (in my case) get on the recumbent bike 15 mins a day. I really had to change my evening routine in order to get up an extra 30 mins early and get on the bike. For me, the early morning biking was the only way it would work for me. I could make too many excuses by the middle of the day why I couldn’t get on the bike. For others, an evening walk with the family is the thing. Once you get doing it and starting to drop some pounds then you look at more focused plans.

Second, you have to eat well. For me that meant finding out what my body does with food. Carbs are my killer. I don’t really have a problem with fats or cholesterol. Once you know that then you need to find foods that make your body work at top performance and also taste wonderful. I LOVE food! And you can enjoy everything…realizing what it does to you when you eat it and how to balance it. It is amazing how much you body will work for you when you consistently work for it! You can have a cheese burger (once in a while! :-) ) and not wreck yourself because your body is burning fuel (food) at a more efficient rate.

I hope that helps get you started! Let me also suggest that you check out Jimmy’s website for great tips and so much more:

Mike - What brand of exercise bike do you have, cost and where did you get it. I ask because I want to make sure its one thats comfortable and durable enough for us "husky" guys. - Losing 4 God

Dear Losing 4 God,

I use a recumbent bike in my house. It is a "New Balance" brand but the biggest things to look for are: Comfort in the seat - you are going to be on this for a while, you don't want something that hurts!; Widely adjustable seat - It took me almost a week to find just the "right" spot that made my legs feel the best as I was riding; Heart monitor - most of us just starting exercise don't have a separate heart/pulse monitor and so getting a bike with some electronics is a good idea. Mine has a timer, pulse monitor, mileage and calorie burn readout.

Keep an eye out in the paper and online for some great specials. My bike was on special for 25% off during a summer sale.

PS - Don't forget to check its measurements. It does no good if you can't fit the bike and you in the same room!

Mike - You have talked a lot about the Fast Track meals from SupperThyme USA but what do you eat for snacks? - The Nibbler

Dear Nibbler,

One of the great things about eating on the Fast Track program is that every week there is a handout that comes with yor food that has some wonderful suggestions for snacks between your FT meals.

Some of my favorite snacks:
-- Cheese sticks (skim Mozzarella, cheddar or jack) I LOVE Cheese
-- Peanut Butter & Apple slices ( you should use low-sodium PB but if you are out and about the pre-pckaged portions from Wawa or Royal Farms work delish!)
-- Peanut Butter & Wasa crackers - Lisa from SupperThyme turned me on to this. It is like peanut butter wafers (a'la Nutterbutters)
-- Bell Pepper slices & Hummis (watch the hummis content for sodium!)
-- Carnation Instant Breakfast *no sugar added* - craving chocolate milk? this is only 150 calories and you get vitamins too. Sweet!
-- South Beach Snack Bars - NOT the meal bars! These are only 110 calories and they give you three flavors ina box - get to put in the purse or breifcase if you get stuck in a meeting or traffic.
-- Special K Cinnamon & Pecans - Crunchy, sweet and delish! Only 120 calories - But you MUST stay with the correct portion! It is easy to pour too big of a bowl - MEASURE IT!

I would love to know what your favorite healthy snacks are! Post a comment to this and everyone can benefit.

OK - that is all for now! Off to Brazil. I will try to post from there if the connection is good. In the meantime...

Live Well, Live Healthy,


Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Wegh-In 7/18/08

Yeah, I rocked it this week...

Current Weight: 321
Last Week's Weight: 326
Loss for the Week: 5

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 62

Was it easy? Nope. I felt like I was fighting it all week but it did get easier as it went on. By yesterday, I wasn't thinking about food or my next meal or snack all the time. Praise God!

I want to thank you for the notes, emails, comments and even a couple of Grand Central voicemail messages. Your support mean more than you can know. That said, I need your prayers! I am headed to Brazil from Sunday to the following Sunday on a trip with Compassion International. For the most part, I will not be in control of where I eat. For some meals, I will not be in control of what I eat. It will be another test of eating the "right" foods in the "right" amounts.

Again, I covet your prayers for me but also please pray for the group of 15 people from across the US who are going to see the amazing work of Compassion International. You can check our Mornings w/TMD blog to see updates from our trip.

Since I will be away next week - there will be no weigh-in next Friday.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, July 11, 2008

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor...And a Great Special

My friends at SupperThymeUSA wanted me to let you know about a great special. You know the Three-A-Day Fast Track program is the best way I have found to eat healthy and lose weight. With everyone watching every penny, this is a wonderful way to get healthy and save a few bucks at the same time!

Click on the SupperThymeUSA banner above to visit their website.

Live Well, Live Healthy!

clipped from
8th day free!
Our Fast Track Meals have been out almost a year now, and we've helped many people achieve their weight loss goals!    If you haven't reached your goal, and are ready to get back on track, check out our menus!   We continue to add new items each month and have a variety of new vegetables as well.     Please view the link below to see a sample menu or give us a call!    Want to try out a new gym??  We have coupons for many local facilities - ask when you stop by next time! 

As our way to get you going,  please present the coupon below to get One Day's Meals FREE on your NEXT order!       You can either pre-order by entering in the comment field online, or pick up when you arrive!      FEEL FREE TO SHARE WITH A FRIEND!    (Valid for one pick-up) 
USE PROMO CODE 'EIGHT' AND ENTER YOUR 3 MEALS IN COMMENTS SECTION!   OR pickup when you arrive!   (Valid for one PICK-UP)  
Offer Expires: July 31, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 7/11/08

Have I mentioned that it has been a bad couple of weeks...

Current Weight: 326
Last Week's Weight: 323
Gain for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 57

I'm not going to rehash all the reasons behind my gain. It is all in the previous posts. I can tell you that I am beginning to believe that this a pivotal point for me. It is a spiritual battle. The enemy would like nothing better than for me to continue wallowing in negative self-talk and a defeatist attitude that lets me lose all the ground I have worked so hard for these last six months. I would really appreciate your prayers right now.

Stacey and I were talking about this last night and she just popped up and said, "Let's go!" So, we grabbed Matt and his bike and we all went for an hour-long walk. I love her!

If you are sitting and wallowing...just "Get Up & Go!" You will feel better.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Not the best of weeks...and then...

Sorry that I have been out of it for the last week. The death of our 14-year-old dog hit me harder than I expected and I went downhill with my eating quickly. It took me a few days to get back on track but I still just want to eat. I haven't had this kind of desire since before I started this journey in January. I'm praying that God will take this desire to stuff myself away. This ride has gone too far to give it all back!

And in the midst of my self-indulgence, God sends an encouragement.

The morning show is going with Compassion International to Brazil in just over a week. In addition to your passport, you need a visa to enter the country and that requires two new passport-style photos. This morning I got the passport back with the visa stamp and saw my passport photo taken last July and the new visa photo side-by-side.

It is amazing! It is one of the first times that I can really SEE the difference.

It is still not the best looking picture I've ever taken but I really needed it. God will let us go and see how we handle ourselves but has promised that he will never let us fall away if we reach out for Him. There will be tough times but He will send the Dove with a branch to let you know that there is an end to your trial coming.

You will make it through. I will make it through. We will continue on the right path!

Let me take a moment to thank everyone who has left me comments or sent emails about the loss of Jazz. It helped. And thanks for the continued prayer support.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


PS - If you noticed, I didn't weigh in. I hope that you give me a pass this week. I'll jump back on the scale this Friday.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Eating away the pain

I am finding that I am not as in control of myself as I would like to believe.

We made the very difficult decision to have Jazz, our dog of 14 years, put down on Saturday. She had been battling some health issues and had really been going downhill during the last two months. After some indications this past week, we knew it was time. I have never had to do this before and was holding it together until I watched her drift away.

It hurt so bad.

I came home and started eating and eating. I had an appearance for the station at RVR and all the time that I am smiling and so many people are telling me that I look great and what a wonderful job I'm doing - All I could think about was eating....I wanted funnel cake, ice cream, pudding (BTW, who sells pudding at an extremely hot, outdoor event?), fries, soda, lemonade and even cotton candy. And I don't like cotton candy.

Now, I can tell you that I was able to keep myself to a pit ham sandwich, one buffalo burger and some sweet potato fries. However, on the way home we stopped to get some water and I shoved Nutter-butters, a fig newton and some chocolate milk down before we got home.

I'm not sure if I am sad or angry or both. I'm angry that anyone has to make decisions like this. Sad that my "furry" kid won't be licking my face. It is the way things are. It is Life.

Now I just have to figure out how to deal with this wave of emotion without eating myself into oblivion. Prayers are welcome.

Jazz Alley 1994-2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 6/27/08

Welcome to another milestone!

Current Weight: 323
Last Week's Weight: 325
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 60!!!!

I'm not sure why but this seems bigger but I am really happy to hit this mark. It feels good!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 6/20/08

Current Weight: 325
Last Week's Weight: 327
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 58

I will tell you that I'm happy for the loss this week but I really was feeling like it was going to be more. I spent two full days on the road in Nashville for meetings which always seems to affect my week. I ate well - no biscuits and gravy or chicken-fried anything! Fish, chicken and veggies...and they were good. However, I think that just the disruption of the travel sets me back. I wonder how folks who live on the road keep fit. There never seems to be enough time to go to the workout room or the pool - it is always an early breakfast or late dinner meeting or a plane to catch.

Well, it is a normal week coming up so I am going to push for a bigger loss. Our pool is open full-time now and Matt loves to swim and our home office is almost done. These things help me to keep moving and manage my time better. All of which means more rest and a better frame of mind to focus on what is important!

Live Well, Live Healthy,


Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 6/13/08

Friday the 13th...Bad luck? No Way!

Current Weight: 327
Last Week's Weight: 329
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 56

Ok, I finally feel like I'm getting back on track. It was a good week with food but I have decided that I am going to help kick-start my system by cutting back on my carbs next week. one of the great things about the SupperThyme Fast Tack program is that I can choose my own meals each week. So, if I want to cut back on carbs, I just order more eggs, fish and veggies and less of the meals with pasta (Eventhough it is low-carb, it still has some).

Let me encourage you to focus on your eating this summer. Many people think Winter is the toughest time to lose weight. However, I believe that summer poses the biggest threat. Days at the pool, beach, picnics, cookouts, amusement parks and so-on. Planning is the key! It is not my strongest suit. I have to work to make sure that I have the things (food & snacks) I need. Ones that will work with what ever situation I'm going into. Also, check websites for amusement parks and restaurants to find the places that have meals and snacks that would be healthier. Most parks have at least a few spots to take care of those of us working to stay (or get) healthy.

I hope that helps! Let's make this a great summer!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Photo

Ok, Ok...Many people have asked me to post a new photo to show the 50+ pounds I have lost.

Well, check to the right and you will see my original picture and a current shot. I'm not going to be asked to do the cover of GQ anytime soon but even I can see the difference. It feels good.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 6/6/08

Can you say "Yo-yo?"...

Current Weight: 329
Last Week's Weight: 328
Gain for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 54

What can I tell you? It was a tough week. Not so much on the eating side but the exercise and enough sleep side. Didn't get enough of either!

I spent a good portion of the week trying to get things arraigned at the house so it will allow me to spend more time there and less tied to the office. This will allow me the time to rest in the afternoon but still get my work done. Thus letting me get to bed earlier which makes it easier to get up to workout.

It just seems like I had to give up this week to do things better in the long term. If I stick to my guns, then it will be worth it. But I have to really plan. (not my strongest trait!) It is easy to make that an excuse. So, if you see me post something like this in the next few weeks - you have my permission to call me out and tell me that I am just making excuses. HA!

Here is to a better next week!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 5/30/08

Can you say "Breakthrough?"...

Current Weight: 328
Last Week's Weight: 331
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 55

I have broken the 330 barrier that I have been stuck around for the last 4-5 weeks! Many of you have asked about the how I did on the cruise. I did indulge some but we did so much walking in Key West and Mexico that it seems to have balanced out the few extra pieces of bread and desserts that I enjoyed. It did prove that you can do the cruise, eat well and stay healthy too!

Watch out 300! Here I come!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 5/16/08

Can you say "Plateau?"...

Current Weight: 331
Last Week's Weight: 330
Gain for the Week: 1

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 52

Up, down, up, down....I feel like the stock market!

OK - so I'm exhausted. I haven't exercised in forever. No excuses, but you have to realize that your physical condition is going to affect your weigh loss (or gain! HA!). Two 14+ hour drives to Kentucky and then trying to play "catch-up" for the time I missed. Oh, and did I mention that we are going to be away next week for a scheduled vacation?? Got to get some things taken care of before we leave.

Lack of Sleep + Stress + Too Many Work Hours = NOT HEALTHY!

However, sometimes that is life. The thing to do is try to make sure you don't have weeks like this all the time.

PRAYER REQUEST: Our vacation next week is on a cruise! It is my first and everyone has been warning me that the food is everywhere. I need to stay on track. I covet your prayer support to help me not lose my mind at the 24-hour pizza place. (Side note: how cool is a 24-hour pizza parlour on a ship!?!) Thanks!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Friday Weigh-In **Postponed**

I am in Kentucky for the funeral of my Great-grandmother and will not be able to weigh-in this week.

Thank you for your prayers and support for my family.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Momma Sarah

I know this doesn't have to do with weight loss but I hope you will understand...

Momma Sarah had the softest skin of anyone I ever met. She was like a living down pillow. I loved to crawl up into her lap or snuggle up next to her and just stroke her skin. She also had that wonderful great-grandmother smell. A combination of talcum powder and vintage perfume with just a whiff of Aqua-net. As long as I can remember her snow white hair was done up in a way that can only be crafted by weekly visits to the hairdresser. Even at 98, it was a trip she did not like to miss. And it didn't matter how hot the kitchen got on a sizzling, Kentucky summer day - I never saw Momma Sarah sweat (or even glisten as some Southern women call it).

Momma Sarah was a rock. Don't let anyone tell you different. She was sweet, lovely and a Southern lady. But she was fierce about two things: Her family and her faith.

Her family seemed to include everyone. There was not one visit that I was not introduced to an extended family member who had stopped by to say, "Hey!" to Momma. Between the kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, cousins, second-cousins, and so-on and so-on, family was just woven into the fabric of her life.

The only thing more important to Momma than family was her love of Jesus. She lived her faith. It wasn't something she "believed." It was who she was. We always talked about Jesus. It was very natural for her. She had to make sure that I was on the right path. Momma wanted to know what church I was attending. I can just hear her, "Honey, do they preach the Bible? You know they have to preach the Word or it is just no good." Family who didn't believe should always be ready to hear about The Lord and why they need Him. She was our own Billy Graham. She did not offend but was clear about she had to do...spread the word and deed. Momma Sarah was the Christian I long to be.

Momma Sarah was ready to leave. She fulfilled her mission and was looking forward to seeing her friends, family and her Savior. During my annual trip to Nashville, I spent part of my last day driving two-hours up to the little town of Benton, Kentucky to have lunch with Momma Sarah and my Grandmother. Before the meal she told me how she missed all of her friends and that, besides my Grandmother, all her kids were gone along with most of her family. Momma felt lonely and wasn't sure why she was still chained to this world. We ate, took a picture and she told me she loved me and wanted me to kiss and hug that wonderful wife and beautiful boy of mine. I kissed her and then headed back for my flight.

The next morning, Momma Sarah had a massive stroke.

Earlier this afternoon, Momma Sarah went to be with her Savior. Her new life has just begun.


Mike Alley - Great-Grandson of "Momma" Sarah Hurley

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fast Track Food Tasting


Ok, seriously - I hope you can join me this Wednesday night for a tasting of meals on the Fast Track program. It is an open house from 5:00pm - 7:00pm at the SupperThymeUSA location in Cockeysville. No reservations needed - just show up! I would love to meet you and tell you about the way Fast Track is helping me get healthy. Bring some family or friends, enjoy some good food and find out how the Fast Track program works.

Fast Track Food Tasting
Wednesday, May 7 5:00pm - 7:00pm
9972 York Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
410-667-COOK (2665)

See you there!


Friday Weigh-In 5/2/08

The first week back to normal...

Current Weight: 330
Last Week's Weight: 334
Loss for the Week: 4

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 53

Felt good!

Dropped the weight I gained in Nashville plus a pound for good measure. I think one of the reasons I had so much trouble in Nashville was the amount of hours I worked. Arriving there on Friday afternoon by Tuesday morning I was wiped out. I honestly didn't care what I ate. I not sure I even tasted what when in my mouth.

Anyway, it is good to be back!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy I Gained??

I wanted to share with you an email that was sent to me from Linda (named changed) and my response to her:

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda
To: Mike
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008
Subject: Thank you for gaining in Nashville!

Hi Mike! That might sound like a weird thing to say, but strangely enough, you gaining 3 lbs last week was inspiring to me! :) I am on this same journey to get healthy, and finally contacted Jimmy (Page) 3 weeks ago to help me the way he has helped get you started. Like you, vacations or going away, or even just going to my parent's can really mess up my healthy eating plans. I always think I am going to be fine, and that my new healthy attitude will get me through. HA! Inevitably I end up eating things I hadn't planned to, or just thinking...."oh, it is just one day, or one week, what can it hurt? I will get right back on the bandwagon." Then, in the past, I never did get back on the wagon, and thus my new way of eating died.

However, I can sense that this time, despite the gain, you WILL get back on board, and I know that you can do this! And seeing you do it has convinced me that I can do it! I mean you are out there in front of all of WRBS doing this have put yourself in such a spotlight. Jimmy said the account
ability was a good yesterday I bravely told my entire Sunday School class what I am doing. Now they will be praying for me, and that always helps. I am praying for you too Mike! You will make it, and this is nothing but a bump in the journey. If you had been able to sail through the week with a loss, I would have been very jealous, and that would be a sin, so by letting Nashville win, you kept me from sinning! :) ha ha! Have a great week!

Linda - Thanks for your email! (I think! HA!) I totally understand where you are coming from. I made the same excuses and told myself the same lies time and time again. One of the things you have to do is be accountable to someone or a group of people...and here is the tough part: You have to ask them to call you out! Most people don't want to confront. But if you don't have people who care enough to confront you about your habits then you have a greater chance of failing. That said, those people should be chosen carefully as they need to be able to help and not hurt with their comments.

Wow! I didn't expect that. You know I did not start doing this to be a role model or to inspire anyone. I just wanted to document what I was doing to get healthy but I realize that in the same way "The Biggest Loser" has spurred me to get going - this little blog may be the thing that gets others to start on their path to wellness. I hope that you know that I do not do this on my own. God is helping me to focus on the correct things and is changing the way my mind views food and it's hold on my life. He keeps me on track even when there is no one around and I could shove down a whole double cheeseburger! He is the best accountability partner.

Also, thank you! You have prayed for me, posted and sent emails of support and encouragement. It has helped me and I really feel you lifting me up when I get in tough spots. Please keep it up! :-)

Please remember Linda in your prayers as she continues her journey to get healthy.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 4/25/08

In the 1st Annual Battle of Mike vs. Nashville.....

Nashville won!

Current Weight: 334
Last Week's Weight: 331
GAIN for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 49

I thought I would walk into Nashville with all my newfound knowledge about eating, portions, etc. and just sail right through. Instead, Nashville (and by that I mean - pork bbq, catfish, biscuits and gravy) knocked me for a loop!

I was a little too cocky! Three-months of good eating habits could not overcome 40-years of bad habits and the little excuses you tell yourself. I must give credit to Lisa from my Supperthyme USA because she called it. She tried to tell me to take some Fast Track food with me or work out a way to pick up some from the Nashville locations. But NOOOOO! I told her I would be OK and not to worry. WRONG!!!! But its alright because she won't gloat, she will just pat me on the head, give me my next week's worth of food and tell me that I will do better next week. And I will.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 4/18/08

Friday again!

Current Weight: 331
Last Week's Weight: 333
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 52

Sorry this took so long to get this up! We have been in Nashville and the internet in the hotel has had major problems. This week is going to be interesting because I am in Nashville and not going to be able to do the Fast Track program for most of the time. This will be the test to see how well I'm learning about eating the right foods, in the right portions. Please pray because this is a very busy week with many hours that need to be put in each day.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 4/11/08

Another Friday, another moment of truth...

Current Weight: 333
Last Week's Weight: 335
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 50!!!

Ok, so I know that every pound is important but there is something about hitting 50 that is way cool! PTL!

I'm sorry that I didn't post anything this week. I have some great stuff that I need to sit down and write but the week just got away from me. Keep watching, I will get something up this weekend.

BTW, I have had many people asking me about doing another "Tasting Experience" at SupperThymeUSA. Yes! We will be doing another event in May. Details coming soon.

Have a great weekend!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 4/4/08

It felt like a good week....

Current Weight: 335
Last Week's Weight: 338
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 48

...and it was!

Here is the funny thing, our morning show spent the morning broadcasting live from a Chick-fil-a. While there, I announced that I was at 335 and lost 2 pounds! When someone asked me what my total loss was...I couldn't remember. I grabbed the laptop and pulled up my blog to check. Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was actually 3 pounds lost for a total of 48! It is great to realize that I have been so focused on getting healthy that I didn't even remember how much weight I lost. Cool!

I will post some more this week!

Live Well, Live Healthy,


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 3/28/08

Drum roll please......

Current Weight: 338
Last Week's Weight: 340
Loss for the Week: 2

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 45

I'm thinking about getting a snare drum installed in the bathroom just for my weigh-ins!

It was an interesting week. I had at least four people at different times comment on how baggy my pants were looking. It was nice. Stacey and I have struck a deal. When I get down to 330, I get to buy a couple of pairs of jeans and a new belt. It is a weird place to be in - you don't want to spend a lot of money on new clothes when you are not finished losing. But you don't want to look like you're playing "dress-up" in your Dad's clothes.

BTW - I want to thank Wave Shoppe Hawaiian Shirts for a little extra incentive. The owner found my blog and my love of Hawaiian shirts and has offered me a brand-new shirt from their collection when I hit my goal. I will post a pic of me and my new shirt when I reach 300lbs. You can check out their website: CLICK HERE!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Friday, March 21, 2008

A Visual Record of Loss / Tasting Winner / Contact Me

Here is what my weight loss looks like! I'm holding two bags of rice that represent the weight I used to carry around my middle. It is heavy. BTW, did you notice the shirt I'm wearing??? Yep! I fit into the Hawaiian shirt again. You know even the jeans are looking a little baggy.

A BIG thank you at all of the people who came out to the SupperThymeUSA tasting party we had this past Tuesday. It was wonderful to meet everyone and introduce you to the amazing staff at ST. Congrats to the Winner of a week of Fast Track Meals: Cindy from Bel Air, MD.

I Want to Hear From You!

Almost everyday I recieve emails or comment on the blog with questions or leaving messages of support and I wnat to thank you for taking a moment to write. I would love to hear about how you are getting healthy, exercising, losing weight or just to say "Hi!" Please leave a comment on the blog or email me at: And I know everyone isn't comfortable with leaving a comment on a blog or sending an email so if you look at the top right of the blog page you will see a big blue button that allows you to send me a voice mail. Click on the button, put in the phone number where you are and it will call you and you will hear a short message from me asking you to leave a message! How Cool is that? It is all FREE! So, what are you waiting me!

Live Well, Live healthy!


Friday Weigh-In 3/21/08

Ok, I sneaked a peek at the scale on Tuesday and had dropped 2 pounds. So, stepping on the scale this morning I was looking forward to the number...

Current Weight: 340
Last Week's Weight: 344
Loss for the Week: 4

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 43

Now that's what I'm talking about! HA!

More than half-way to my goal! So many people have asked me what happens when I reach my goal of losing 80 pounds. That's easy....

I Keep Going!

This first number was just something that Jimmy Page and I discussed when I started this quest. He looked at me and said, "How would it feel to be 300 pounds?" I told him that it had been 15 or 17 years since I was there and so I have forgotten how it felt. That is how 80pounds became the first goal. Once there....well, we'll see.

I want to wish you a Blessed Easter. I would not be here if it was not for the miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus. I can't begin to tell you how I have felt the power of God helping me to keep on track and strengthening my will power when I was feeling weak. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about?? Click Here for More About New Life

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sneeking A Peek & The Tasting

Ok - I couldn't help it...

I had to jump on the scale and see how I was doing half-way through the week. I've lost TWO POUNDS! Whew! I really needed to make sure I was on track. When you have a week where you haven't dropped any weight it does make you pay more attention to what you are eating and how you are exercising.

Well, today is the SupperThymeUSA tasting. Even if you haven't made a reservation I hope you will join us! We have made extra space of folks to just walk-in and enjoy. So....

Come and stop by at 11:30am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm or 6:00pm. I would love to meet you and you can try all the great food I have been enjoying on the Fast Track program. Also, you can register to win a free week of the Fast Track meals or a 10-pack of their Extreme Fitness meals. Need directions or more info: Click Here!

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 3/14/08

Time for the moment of truth...

Current Weight: 344
Last Week's Weight: 344
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 39

Huh? I felt like I lost weight. :-)

Look, here's the thing - you can too caught up in the numbers. I was a bit disappointed when I hit the scale. But even though I am committed to losing 80 pounds (and more!), my journey is about getting healthy and living a better life. That has to be the focus. I know that I ate foods that are helping my body and not hurting it. And it is delicious! Lean grilled meats and fish (even shrimp), fresh vegetables and fruits, even peanut butter. All good and all good for you. I'm have come to realize that The Lord made amazing treats for us to enjoy. And as usual we take the natural, make it un-natural and then wonder why it screws us up!

So, I'm feeling ok. Sure a few pounds down would have been nice but....we move forward.

I should also mention that "Fitness Guru" Jimmy Page told me that your body tends to normalize the new way you eat and exercise. That means you need to change up the exercises you do to give you "muscle confusion." Make sure you check out Jimmy's website over on the right side of the page to see more about how to live a "Fit Life."

BTW, you still have time to make your reservation for our SupperThymeUSA "Tasting Experience" this coming Tuesday. It is Free! I would love to meet you and let you try some of the wonderful food I'm eating everyday. See the post below for all the info.

I have decided to end my posts with a new sign off that speaks more to how I feel these days.

Live Well, Live Healthy!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Free Fast Track Meal Tasting

Now is your chance! Free Food!!

WRBS and SupperThymeUSA want you to join us for a "Tasting Experience" of the Fast Track and Extreme Fitness meals. This is your opportunity to enjoy the same food I have been eating for the last three weeks and discover that you CAN lose weight while eating delicious, nutritious food.

We will have two sessions and each session will have two tasting times. It is Free! However, seating is limited so you need to reserve your space and time. Contact us below.

You will also have the opportunity to register to win some great prizes including: A full-week of the Fast Track program meals or an Extreme Fitness meal package.

WRBS & SupperThymeUSA's "Tasting Experience"
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
11:30am - 1:30pm & 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Cockeysville location: 9972 York Road (in the plaza with Curves and Kids Swim)

You can reserve you free tickets for one of the following times:
11:30am / 12:30pm / 5:00pm / 6:00pm

Email: OR Call Erin: 410-247-4100 x520

I will be there for all the tastings and would love to meet you. Make your reservations now!

I want to send out a big "Thank You" to Lisa and the staff at ST for opening up their store to us for this wonderful event.

Talk to you soon,


Monday, March 10, 2008

Podcast: Marty & Amy from "The Biggest Loser"

I can't tell you what a thrill it was to talk to Marty Wolff and Amy Hildreth who were featured on NBC's reality show "The Biggest Loser." I will tell you that I used to watch this show and be inspired by the participant's stories...all while eating a bag of cookies! I still watch the I just do it with apples. M&A have continued to use their time on the show to help others get healthy. Listen to our interview here:

If you would like to check out Marty & Amy's company RealityWellness: Click Here

Talk to you soon,


Friday Weigh-In 3/7/08

Sorry about the delay in posting! I have been without Internet since Friday!! :-(

Anyway, Here it is.....

Current Weight: 344
Last Week's Weight: 347
Loss for the Week: 3

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 39

I have to tell you that I'm happy to see this loss as it has been a stressful week. Many of you know that part of my job involves handling all the concert events here at WRBS. So, concert days are long and busy - plus the fact that we had a live remote broadcast the next morning made for 48 hours of little sleep and lots of snacks and mounds of wonderful food from Open Door Cafe catering just steps away. I made sure that I ate my Fast Track breakfast before I left the house to get me off on the right foot. Then I worked hard to make the right choices for lunch and dinner. One of the blessings of a concert day is that I tend to walk around more and climb many more steps. So, having one of ODC's amazing dessert bars doesn't cost as much! Yum.

In a little while I will be posting some great info: a podcast of our interview with Marty and Amy from NBC's "The Biggest Loser" ; The date and time of our first WRBS SupperThyme Fast Track Tasting - your chance to taste the de-lish food I am enjoying everyday. Be looking for it!

Less stress means more posts this week - promise!

Talk to you soon.


Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Weigh-in 2/29/08

Happy Leap Day! How far did I leap this week?

Current Weight: 347
Last Week's Weight: 351
Loss for the Week: 4

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 36

I am blown away! After dropping 5 pounds last week, I wasn't really expecting to lose this much (props to Lisa @ SupperThyme who told me that she knew I would lose this much!). I still have about seven pounds to go to be the weight I was last March.

I want to take a moment to let you know how much your prayers and support have meant to me. The comments on the blog, emails and everything else have been amazing! I want you to know that I am praying for you. So many people are battling a lifetime of unhealthy habits. I didn't start this with the idea of being a role model or inspiration - I just wanted to feel better! However, I'm blessed that God is using my struggles, discoveries and victories to encourage others. All the praise goes to Him for the strength He provides.

That's it for now! Have a great Leap Day!

Talk to you soon.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Great Article on Two Biggest Losers


Just wanted to pass along this link to a short but great article on Amy and Marty from The Biggest Loser TV show. Amy was the contestant from Maryland when they did the season with people from all 50 states. The show was a motivating factor in my decision to get healthy!


BTW - I am working on scheduling an on-air interview with Amy & Marty for next week. I will make sure I tell you when it will air and will also post a link to the podcast after the interview.

I'll talk to you soon!


The Hawaiian Shirt Test

I don't buy a lot of clothes. It has been at least a year since I bought something new - jeans, I think. It is not that I (like many guys) don't enjoy getting new clothes. I do. A little secret...I would be a total clothes horse if I could. However, big guys don't really have the luxury of choices and even great stores like Casual Male don't ever have enough of the 4x and 5x shirts that i have been wearing the last couple of years.

This leads me to tell you about my Hawaiian shirt - well, actually two shirts. First, I should mention that it is illegal to call yourself a DJ without owning at least one Hawaiian shirt. At times, I have had up to 5 in the closet. Right now there are two hanging there.

It has been almost a year since they have been worn. They are now my test. When they fit well I will have taken off the weight I gained between March and December last year. I tried them on a couple of days ago and we are almost there. Still a little too snug around the middle! I'm thinking another 10 pounds should do it.

When I get there, I'll post a picture of one of the shirts. Now, the next issue becomes what to do after I pass the shirt test. I don't have anything smaller for the next test.

Guess I'll have to go shopping.....

Weigh - in tomorrow....Talk to you then!


Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 2/22/08

Ready? ...Here it comes.....

Current Weight: 351
Last Week's Weight: 356
Loss for the Week: 5

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 32

Wow! I got on the scale three times just to check and make sure that I was seeing the correct number. Back on the bike this week and the new Fast Tack eating program is making it exciting to see (and feel) the weight that is coming off!

May I take a moment to sing the praises of Whole Wheat Pasta? I know, I know....that stuff is can you eat that?... it tastes like cardboard! Yes, it used to taste like that. However, many of the Fast Track meals have the new White Whole Wheat pasta. I dare you to tell the difference. I have had many people (including my wife, Stacey) sample it without knowing it was any different from regular pasta. No one could tell any difference. This may be a life-changer for me. A lower-carb, higher-fiber pasta that is de-lish??? I thought my Italian food days were over.

Now, if I can just get Liberatore's to switch and life would be really good!

Talk to you soon!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And Now A Word.....

We have been talking long enough now that you know this is about real life. The successes and the setbacks and everything in between. I am also going to tell you about the cool things I discover along the way that help and motivate me to focus on a healthy lifestyle. While I promise this blog will not become a commercial for any product or particular way of to a healthy life, there are going to be things I'm excited about....and so, I will be talking about them. OK - end of the disclaimer!

You may notice that there is now a sponsor for the blog - SupperThymeUSA in Cockeysville. S.T. is a meal prep place - you go in and make a bunch of different meals, pack them up and take them home to cook later for your family. However, they have a new service called "3-A-Day Fast Track" as part of their Extreme Fitness meals program. The Fast Track plan offers pre-made, delicious and nutritious meals that are
low in calories, fat, carbohydrates and sodium. Each package includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner and is based on a 1200-1800 calorie per day regime. You add in your own snacks and you're set!

The Best Part.....The food is De-Lish!!! I love food. If it doesn't taste good, I'm not eating it. These meals are amazing. Fresh ingredients, made fresh every week and best of all - No Preservatives! No disrespect to anyone who is eating one of those meal plans advertised on TV but check out the amount of sodium and preservatives those foil-pouched or dehydrated meals contain. You don't want to put that into your system. I'm not a "Green" guy but I'm coming around to the idea of more natural foods being better for my body. Especially when they taste yummy! It is also good training to see the portions that I should be eating and not the mounds of food I used to pile on my plate.

Here is the deal - You can go online (just click the banner above), order your Fast Track meals from an amazing selection, then stop by their location on York Road in Cockeysville to pick-up your order OR for a few extra bucks...they will deliver it to you! How cool is that?

Does it work? I have been on it since last Saturday so we will see how the weigh-in goes this Friday. I can tell you that there is a bunch more info about the plan at their website - including the fact that two of NBC's Biggest Losers (Marty & Amy) designed the meal plan with real people in mind.

If you are interested in trying some of the Fast Track meals, stop by their FREE Meal tasting on Tuesday, February 26 from 11:30am-2:00pm or 5:30pm-7:30pm. Say "Hi!" to the owner, Lisa and her husband Larry. I'm talking with them about setting up a WRBS tasting soon. I'll let you know.

Well, that is what I'm doing. As promised, I will keep you up to date without making it a commercial. Thank you so much for your support, prayers and great comments. Keep 'em coming!

Talk to you soon,


Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday Weigh-In 2/15/08

Drum Roll, please.....

Current Weight: 356
Last Week's Weight: 356
Loss for the Week: 0

Starting Weight: 383 Total Loss: 27

Now, I have to tell you that I am not concerned about not losing any weight this week. As a matter of fact I'm thrilled that I didn't gain anything. If you were listening to the show earlier this week you know that I fell on the ice outside of my house and landed hard on my "backside!" I have note been on the bike since then because the harder seat is very painful. I'm praying that I can be back on it tomorrow. Our "Fitness Guru" Jimmy Page says it is better to heal first and then get back to your normal exercise routine. Trying to do your normal workout after an injury could cause more damage and knock you out for a longer time.

OK, back to the ice pack....

Talk to you soon!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Four Flights

I love my home. It is a wonderful, spacious, two-level townhome with a basement....and 853 steps! I'm not really sure how they packed so many steps into one building. Must have been some weird building codes back in the '80's. And somehow I have four sets of stairs. Between each floor are two sets of stairs with a landing connecting them. Some compassionate designer realized that people need a spot to stop and catch their breath, have a snack or take a quick nap before continuing up the "Mt. Everest" of home staircases.

In the past, I have viewed the steps as my own home torture device. My wife asking me to carry a basket of clothes up to our room was akin to the Ironman Triathlon - there was pain, dehydration and (quite often) a loss of consciousness.

Until last night...

Last night I grabbed a set of clean shirts from the laundry room in the basement and (without thinking) headed for the master bedroom on the third floor - four flights away!

As I hung up the shirts it occurred to me that I hadn't passed out, didn't get sick and wasn't doubled over trying to get oxygen into my lungs. I was breathing hard but brought it under control within a minute or so. Realizing all of this, I stood there and sent up a silent praise to The Lord. Even just that few minutes of riding the bike (and losing almost 30 pounds) is paying off. It wasn't an Ironman but it felt just as good. I guess I have to stop my plans for an elevator.

Gotta go get on the bike....

Talk to you soon!
